
As I began writing this, I noticed a fox exploring my next door neighbour’s garden.

They say that you are granted with good luck when you see a fox.

It must have come down from the surrounding mountains. I once saw what I thought was a fox a few months ago. I only saw it for a brief moment before it disappeared into the shadows of a nearby grove.

I wonder if it was the same fox. Not sure. This one I saw today looked like an adolescent. They’re beginning to explore outside the boundaries of the mountains.

They say foxes are cunning. I certainly hope this one keeps it wits while venturing these surrounding villages.

To have proximity to our best world ideal – is collision possible? Or would it destroy all the elements brought by the respective gravities?

There are thoughts I hold within me as I explore these villages. It is much more explicit here than compared to other places elsewhere.

Of course, to represent such ideas is possible in theory. All it really needs is the best ratio.

Perhaps this is the aspect that requires the most work. In a way, it is the mathematical element of creation. To really figure it out requires that way of thinking. The hopeful thing is that such skills are possible of learning.

It can be troublesome to assume that one is not capable of learning a skill that they struggled with in the past.

Of course, there may be objects in the way of allowing individuals to pursue their ideal education. Some obstacles may be grander for others.

Yet if one can find a different sort of ratio – one that they know they understand and can build on, the process of learning opens itself up to limitless possibilities.

Infinity is always in proximity. Sometimes it is like a pool. To take only a fingertip and carry its liquid – it can become the tincture for the proceeding idea.

The above evokes previous thoughts on balance. It is all a ratio really is. A self-sustaining balance one can use as the initial template.

In truth, balance is really not that hard to find. No; keeping it can become the challenge. The more you push, the harder that balance may be to maintain. Which is why one would need to keep practicing and find the best way to improve and develop upon a better balancing act.

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